WHO Director-General’s Address on World Humanitarian Day: Honoring Sacrifices and Addressing Rising Attacks


Honoring Health Workers

World Humanitarian Day is a crucial reminder of our collective commitment to support and protect those in need, often in some of the world’s most challenging environments. Today, we honor the health workers who continue to deliver care despite facing fear, threats, and intimidation. We also remember our colleagues who have lost their lives, both within the WHO family and among our partners. Their sacrifices are deeply felt.

Addressing Attacks on Humanitarians

This year, we highlight the disturbing trend of attacks on humanitarians and aid workers—an unacceptable situation that must be addressed. Even during conflicts, there are rules to follow. Attacks on healthcare violate international humanitarian law, depriving people of essential services and eroding their hope.

The Impact of Violence

One attack is too many. In regions such as Gaza, Sudan, Ukraine, and beyond, assaults on healthcare are alarmingly frequent. So far this year, WHO has documented 720 attacks on healthcare facilities in 13 countries, resulting in 355 deaths and 647 injuries, affecting ambulance drivers, health workers, patients, and their families. Each statistic represents a disrupted life, a family in mourning, and a community dealing with loss.

Gratitude and Reflection

Today, we honor those we have lost and the legacy they leave behind. We extend our respect and gratitude to those who continue to risk their lives and health in service to others. They embody the values of service, professionalism, integrity, collaboration, and compassion that define our mission at WHO.

The Role of All WHO Staff

It is important to remember that humanitarians are not only those working in high-risk areas. At WHO, every one of us is a humanitarian. Each role is vital, regardless of position or location. There is no hierarchy of importance—only a division of labor.

Acknowledgment and Commitment

I want to express my heartfelt thanks to all colleagues, both at headquarters and globally, for your steadfast commitment to our vision over the past 76 years: the right to the highest attainable standard of health for all people as a fundamental human right.

This is the right we strive to promote and protect, wherever and whenever possible. I am immensely proud of each of you and honored to be part of WHO. Proud to be WHO.

Thank you.

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