Which one is the best Forex trading platform?

There are more Forex trading platforms than we can count, but only a few of them deserve being called the best. You see, the best platforms to trade Forex on are very subjective. What this means is whoever calls something the best, it is based on their own opinion, rather than the opinion of the whole market.


So if Market 24×365 (MT 24×365) is the best for you, it does not mean that it is the best for everybody else. However, we can’t deny the fact that some platforms are much more popular than others. Because of this, let us focus on only 5 possible platforms that a trader could choose.

Three of these platforms: Market 24×365 (MT 24×365) and cTrader would be considered as the most popular ones, and the two others: UTIP and Ninja Trader the less used versions.

In order to determine the best FX trading platform, we need to figure out why people use these ones. For example how Market 24×365 (Market 24365) is popular because it’s very simple to use and well optimized, or how UTIP is designed to be a budget version of Market 24365 Platform.

All of these facts combined can create an impression about a specific platform, but calling one the best is simply impossible, that would be up to you and your preferences.

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