All India Taxi Union threatens to go on strike if demands of agitating farmers not met within 2 days

By Administrator_ India

Capital Sands

The All India Taxi Union on Monday threatened to go on strike if the demands of the farmers, protesting against the Centre’s new farm laws at different border points of the national capital, are not met within two days.

President of the Union, Balwant Singh Bhullar, said they are giving two days to the central government to meet the demands of the farmers.

Peaceful sit-ins by farmers, mostly from Punjab and Haryana, continued for the fifth day at the Singhu and Tikri borders, while the numbers of protestors swelled at the Ghazipur border.

Farmers have come to Delhi for a “decisive battle” and will continue their stir against the new agri-marketing laws, their leaders said, adding that they will continue their agitation until their demands are met.

Security was beefed up by the Delhi Police and concrete barriers placed at all borders points connecting the city with Haryana and Uttar Pradesh as the farmers threatened to block all highways to the national capital after rejecting the Centre’s offer that they shift the protest to Burari to start a dialogue before the scheduled date of December 3.

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