Best Options and CFDs Trading Platforms of 2021

The best options trading platforms might give you an edge in the market

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Options and CFDs trading is a high-risk area of the investment world where you can pay for the option to buy or sell a specific security at a set price on a future date. Based on fluctuations in market prices for those securities, the value of options rises and falls until their maturity date.

If you want to trade options, you’ll need a brokerage account that supports them. Each platform is unique and has its own pros and cons, so it’s best to understand what you want before you sign up with a broker.

Learn more about the best options trading platforms to determine which one may be best suited for your needs.

Best Options and CFD Trading Platforms

  • Best Overall: Market 24365
  • Runner-Up, Best Overall: Etradex
  • Best for Beginners: Charles
  • Best for No Commissions: Webu
  • Best for Advanced Traders: Interactive Broker

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