PM Narendra Modi clocks 20 meetings in his 65-hour stay in US

By Administrator_ India

Capital Sands

Prime Minister Narendra Modi, who returned to India from the US on Sunday, attended 20 meetings during his 65-hour visit, government sources said.
He also had four long meetings in flights with officials on the way to and back from the US, they added. Sharing details, sources said Modi had two meetings in flight on Wednesday on the way to the US and three in the hotel upon his arrival.
On September 23, he had five meetings with as many CEOs followed by talks with US Vice President Kamala Harris and bilateral interactions with his Japanese and Australian counterparts Yoshihide Suga and Scott Morrison, respectively. He also chaired three internal meetings.
He had a bilateral meeting with US President Joe Biden the next day and then attended the Quad meet. Sources said Modi also held four internal meetings on September 24.

As Modi left the US for India on September 25, he held two meetings on the flight back, sources said.

Modi, who landed at the Palam airport, was given a warm welcome by BJP leaders, including party chief JP Nadda.

Modi, who walked for nearly two kilometers meeting party workers and the people lined up along the road outside the airport, thanked them for welcoming him.

Citing Modi’s meetings with US President Joe Biden and Vice-President Kamala Harris, besides his participation in the Quad meet and address at the UNGA, Nadda said the Prime Minister put across strongly and frankly global issues and also India’s views over threats like terrorism and expansionism.

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